Sports Report

EventRemarkNo. of Participation
District School Athletics ChampionshipParticipation 10
District School Athletics Championship Participation 16
District School Basket Ball Championship Participation 36
District School Throw Ball (Girls) ChampionshipParticipation12
District School Foot Ball Boys Championship Participation32
District School Volley Ball ChampionshipParticipation12
District School Badminton ChampionshipParticipation15
State School Athletics Championship Participation1
MES Inter School Sports ChampionshipFirst position125
EventRemarkNo. of Participation
District/Division/State School Athletics ChampionshipParticipation 24
District/Division School Swimming ChampionshipParticipation 9
District/Division School Chess ChampionshipParticipation 4
District/Division School Wrestling ChampionshipParticipation7
District/Division School Fencing Championship Participation3
District/Division School Taekwondo ChampionshipParticipation6
District/Division School Kick Boxing ChampionshipParticipation5
District School Basket Ball ChampionshipParticipation36
District School Foot Ball ChampionshipFirst position48
MES Interschool Sports Championship VIth Position 52
FootballDistrict School U-14 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
FootballDistrict U-17 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
BadmintonDistrict School U-14 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
BadmintonDistrict School U-17 Boys ChampionshipWinner
Table TennisDistrict School U-14 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
Table TennisDistrict School U-17 Boys ChampionshipWinner
ChessDistrict School U-14 Boys ChampionshipWinner
ChessSchool State U-14 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
FencingDistrict School U-14 Girls ChampionshipWinner
ArcheryDistrict School U-14 Boys ChampionshipWinner
ArcherySchool State U-14 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
SwimmingDistrict School U-14 Boys ChampionshipGold Medal - 1
Silver Medal - 1
SwimmingDistrict School U-17 Boys ChampionshipGold Medal - 1
Silver Medal - 1
SwimmingDivisional School U-14 Girls ChampionshipGold Medal - 1
Bronze Medal - 1
AthleticsDistrict School U-14 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
AthleticsDistrict School U-14 Girls ChampionshipParticipation
AthleticsDistrict School U-17 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
AthleticsDistrict School U-19 Boys ChampionshipThird position
MES SportsMES Inter school sports ChampionshipWinner
ChessSchool State U-14 Girls ChampionshipWinner
FootballDistrict U-14 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
FootballDistrict School U-19 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
WrestlingDistrict School U-14 Girls ChampionshipParticipation
KarateDistrict School U-17 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
TaekwondoSchool State U-17 Boys ChampionshipGold Medal - 1
BasketballDistrict School U-17 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
SwimmingDistrict School U-14 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
SwimmingDistrict School U-14 Girls ChampionshipParticipation
AthleticsDistrict School U-17 Girls ChampionshipParticipation
AthleticsSchool State U-17 Boys ChampionshipParticipation
MES SportsMES Inter School Sports ChampionshipSixth position
pooja jagtap

Pooja Shankar Jagtap: Std. XII student of MSAS Junior college won Gold Medal at Jr. National Kick Boxing Championship held at Chandigarh on November 2017.
Pooja S. Jagtap is receiving award from International Kabaddi player Rishank Devadiga

inter school sports championship 2017 18 4

MES Overall Sports Fair Play Trophy to MSAS Marathi Medium: Mahatma School of Academics & Sports (Marathi Medium) - Khanda Colony won the Fair Play Trophy for the best spirited team in the year 2017-18. The award is presented to the school by Legend International Hockey player Mr. Dhanraj Pillay in the presence Chief Executive Officer, Mahatma Education Society.
The MSAS Marathi Medium – Khanda colony team receiving the trophy

inter school sports championship 2017 18 3

MSAS English Medium won the MES Inter School Overall Sports Title: The Mahatma School of Academics & Sports English Medium won the Overall Sports title of MES for the third consecutive year.
MSAS English Medium receiving the Inter School Overall Sports Trophy

CategoryName of CompetitionDateNo. of ParticipantsRemarks
U/14 BoysD.S.O. Football11th September, 201715District Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O. Football12th September, 201716District Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Football14th September, 201724Participation
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Football15th September, 201724Participation
U/19 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Football15th September, 201724Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysD.S.O. Table Tennis31st August, 20176Participation
U/17 Girls/BoysD.S.O. Table Tennis31st August, 20176Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Table Tennis29th September, 201731st Place
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Table Tennis29th September, 201731st Place
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Table Tennis29th September, 201731st Place
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Table Tennis29th September, 201731st Place
U/17 GirlsD.S.O. Basketball7th October, 201712District Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O. Basketball8th October, 201712District Participation
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Basketball7th November, 20177Participation
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Basketball8th November, 201772nd Place
U/17 GirlsM.E.S. Basketball7th November, 201773rd Place
U/17 BoysM.E.S. Basketball8th November, 201771st Place
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Basketball7th November, 201791st Place
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Basketball8th November, 201791st Place
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 201741st Place
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 201742nd Place
U/17 GirlsM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 201741st Place
U/17 BoysM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 201742nd Place
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 201741st Place
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 201742nd Place
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Throw Ball24th November, 201791st Place
U/17 GirlsM.E.S. Throw Ball24th November, 20179Participation
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Throw Ball24th November, 201791st Place
U/14 Girls/BoysD.S.O. Chess9th September, 20178Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Chess14th and 15th September, 2017614 Girls Second & Participation
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Chess14th and 15th September, 2017614 Girls Second & Participation
U/19 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Chess14th and 15th September, 2017614 Girls Second & Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysD.S.O. Swimming18th September, 20172Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Swimming22nd August, 20178Participation
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Swimming22nd August, 20178Participation
U/19 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Swimming22nd August, 20178Participation
U/14 BoysD.S.O. Karate11th October, 20178Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O. Handball11th September, 201716District Participation
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Handball24th September, 201710Participation
U/17 BoysM.E.S. Handball24th September, 2017101st Place
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Handball24th September, 2017102nd Place
U/17 GirlsDSO Athletics: 400M19th September, 201711st Place District
U/14 BoysSchool Div. Ath. 600M24th September, 201711st Place Division
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 2017142nd Place
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 20171st Place
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 2017141st Place
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 2017141st Place
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 201783rd Place
CategoryName of CompetitionDateNo. of ParticipantsRemarks
U/14 BoysD.S.O. Football11th September, 201713District Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O. Football12th September, 201715District Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Football14th September, 201724Participation
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Football15th September, 201724Participation
U/19 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Football15th September, 201724Participation
U/19 GirlsD.S.O Table Tennis31st August, 20174Participation
U/19 BoysD.S.O. Table Tennis31st August, 20174Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Table Tennis29th September, 20174Participation
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Table Tennis29th September, 20174Participation
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Table Tennis29th September, 201742nd Place
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Table Tennis29th September, 2017Participation
U/19 BoysD.S.O. Hockey10th October, 201716District Participation
U/14 GirlsD.S.O Basketball7th October, 2017122nd Place
U/17 GirlsD.S.O Basketball7th October, 201712District Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O Basketball8th October, 201712District Participation
U/19 BoysD.S.O Basketball8th October, 201712District Participation
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Basketball7th November, 201772nd Place
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Basketball8th November, 20177Participation
U/17 GirlsM.E.S. Basketball7th November, 201771st Place
U/17 BoysM.E.S. Basketball8th November, 201772nd Place
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Basketball7th November, 201714Participation
U/19 GirlsD.S.O. Badminton18th September, 20174District Winner & Division Participation
U/19 BoysD.S.O. Badminton18th September, 20174District Winner & Division Participation
U/19 GirlsD.S.O. Fencing22nd October, 20171District Winner
U/19 GirlsDivisional Fencing14th November, 2017Division Winner
U/19 GirlsState Fencing18th November, 2017State Participation
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 20174Participation
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 20174Participation
U/17 GirlsM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 201741st Place
U/17 BoysM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 20174Participation
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Rifle Shooting28th July, 20174Participation
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Throw Ball24th November, 201724Participation
U/17 GirlsM.E.S. Throw Ball24th November, 201724Participation
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Throw Ball24th November, 2017242nd Place
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Tug of War15th December, 201710Participation
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Tug of War15th December, 20172nd Place
U/17 GirlsM.E.S. Tug of War15th December, 2017103rd Place
U/17 BoysM.E.S. Tug of War15th December, 20171st Place
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Tug of War15th December, 201710Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Chess14th September, 20176Second
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Chess15th September, 20176Participation
U/19 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Chess15th September, 20176Participation
U/14 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Swimming22nd August, 20178Participation
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Swimming22nd August, 20178Participation
U/19 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Swimming22nd August, 20178Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O. Handball11th September, 201716District Participation
U/19 BoysD.S.O. Handball11th September, 201716District Participation
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Handball24th September, 2017102nd Place
U/17 BoysM.E.S. Handball24th September, 2017102nd Place
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Handball24th September, 2017101st Place
U/14 GirlsD.S.O Athletics Shotput, Discus Throw19th September, 2017102nd Place
U/17 GirlsD.S.O Athletics 800 Running, Shotput, Discus Throw19th September, 201762nd Place
U/17 BoysD.S.O Athletics 400 Running, 400X4 Relay19th September, 2017101st Place
U/19 BoysD.S.O Athletics 1 Shotput, Discus Throw19th September, 201762nd Place
U/19 BoysD.S.O Athletics 100 Running, 200 Running19th September, 201761st Place
U/14 GirlsM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 2017141st Place
U/14 BoysM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 201714Participation
U/17 Girls/BoysM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 201714Participation
U/19 GirlsM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 201714Participation
U/19 BoysM.E.S. Athletics15th December, 201781st Place
U/19 Girls/BoysD.S.O. Kick boxing15th December, 20176District Participation
U/19 Girls/BoysD.S.O. Kick boxing18th December, 20171Division Participation
EventName of the ChampionshipNo. of Students ParticipatedResults
AthleticsU-14 yrs Boys Taluka School champ.3Participation
AthleticsU-17yrs boys & girls School Taluka champ.2Selected for DSO
AthleticsU-17yrs boys & girls school district champ.2Bronze-1
Fourth place-1
ChessU-17 yrs girls School Taluka2Selected for DSO
ChessU-17 yrs girls School District champ.2Quarter finals
Basket ballU-14 yrs boys school district champ.12Participation
Basket ballU-17 yrs boys school district champ.12Participation
FootballU-14 boys School District champ.16Quarter finals
FootballU-17 yrs boys school district champ. 16Semifinals
Rifle shootingU-17 girls school district champ.3Participation
Kick boxingU-17 yrs boys district school champ.5Silver-5
Table tennisU-14 girls School district champ.3Quarter final
Table tennisU-14 yrs boys school district champ.3Participation
Table tennisU-17 yrs girls school district champ.3Semi final
Sports & GamesMES Inter School championship for 10 events260Winner & champions trophy
EventName of the ChampionshipNo. of Students ParticipatedResults
Football tennisU-17 girls School district champ.1Winner
Football tennisU-17 girls School div. Champ.1Participation
Football tennisU-19 yrs school district champ.1Winner
Foot ball tennisU-19 yrs girls School Div. champ.1Participation
Soft tennisU-17 girls School district champ.1Winner
Soft tennisU-19 girls school district champ.1Winner
Soft tennisU-17 yrs girls School Div. champ.1Semifinal
Soft tennisU-19 yrs school div. Champ.1Semi final
FootballU-19 yrs boys school district champ.16Quarter final
HockeyU-19 yrs boys School district champ.12Semi final
Basket ballU-14 yrs Girls District school champ.10Semi final
Basket ballU-17 yrs girls school district champ.12Semi final
Basket ballU-17 yrs boys school district champ.12Quarter final
Basket ballU-19 yrs boys school district champ.12Semi final
KarateU-14 yrs boys school district champ.5Participation
KarateU-17 yrs boys school district champ.5Participation
KarateU-19 yrs boys school district champ.7Semi-2
Hand ballU-17 yrs boys school district champ.16Semi final
Hand ballU-19 yrs boys school district champ.16Semi final
AthleticsU-17 yrs boys school Taluka champ.10Participation
AthleticsU-19 yrs boys school taluka champ.8Participation
Kick boxingU-19 yrs boys school district champ.1Silver-1
Kick boxingU-19 yrs boys school div. Champ.1Participation
Sports & GamesMES Inter School championship for 10 games220Runners-up
EventName of the ChampionshipNo. of Students ParticipatedResults
Basket ballDistrict School U-14 Boys champ.10Participation
FootballSubrato Cup District Football Champ. (U-17 boys)16Participation
FootballSubrato Cup District Football Championship (U-14 boys)16Participation
Table TennisDistrict School U-14 Girls champ.03Participation
Table TennisDistrict School U-14 Boys champ.03Participation
Table TennisDistrict School U-17 Girls champ.03Participation
Rifle shootingDistrict School U-14 Girls champ.01Winner
KarateInternational Invitation SAF Sub. Jr. Karate Championship at Srilanka01Gold Medal
AthleticsNavi Mumbai Athletics association champ. (U-14 Girls)01Participation
AthleticsDistrict School Athletics (U-14 Boys)07Participation
AthleticsDistrict School Athletics (U-14 Girls)01Participation
Sports & GamesMES Inter School championship for 10 events260Winner & champions trophy
EventName of the ChampionshipNo. of Students ParticipatedResults
Basket ballU-17 Boys District School Basket ball championship12Participation
Basket ballU-17 Girls District School Basket ball championship12Participation
Basket ballU-19 Boys School District Basket ball championship12Runners-up
Hand ballU-17 Boys District School championship12Third Place
FootballU-14 Boys Subrato Cup16Participation
FootballU-19 Boys District School champ.16Quarter Final
FootballU-14 Boys District School championship16Participation
KarateU-19 Girls School nationals01Gold Medal
KarateU-19 Girls School state champ.01Bronze Medal
ChessU-19 Girls School District championship04Participation
ChessU-19 Girls divisional School chess championship01Participation
Table TennisU-17 Girls District School table tennis championship04Participation
Table TennisU-17 Boys District School table tennis champ.04Participation
Table TennisU-19 Boys District School table tennis champ.04Participation
Table TennisU-19 Girls School District championship04Participation
Sports & GamesMES Inter School championship for 10 games220Runners-up
EventTournamentNo. of ParticipantsPosition
Basket Ball
U/14 BoysD.S.O12Participation
U/14 GirlsD.S.O12Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O12Participation
U/17 GirlsD.S.O12Participation
Hand Ball
U/14 BoysD.S.O12Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O12Participation
Foot Ball
U/14 BoysD.S.O16Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O16Participation
Throw Ball
U/14 GirlsD.S.O14Participation
U/17 GirlsD.S.O14Participation
U/14 BoysD.S.O31 Gold Medal
U/14 GirlsD.S.O41 Gold Medal
U/17 BoysD.S.O31 Silver Medal
U/17 GirlsD.S.O11 Silver Medal
U/19 BoysD.S.O51 Gold Medal
U/19 GirlsD.S.O11 Gold Medal
U/14 BoysD.S.O4Participation
U/14 GirlsD.S.O4Participation
U/17 BoysD.S.O3Participation
U/17 GirlsD.S.O4Participation
U/19 BoysD.S.O3Participation
U/19 GirlsD.S.O3Participation
Foot Ball
U/14 BoysM.E.S10Participation
U/14 GirlsM.E.S10IV
U/17 BoysM.E.S12V
U/17 GirlsM.E.S10Participation
U/19 BoysM.E.S10I
U/19 GirlsM.E.S10V
U/14 BoysM.E.S3III
U/14 GirlsM.E.S3Participation
U/17 BoysM.E.S3Participation
U/17 GirlsM.E.S3III
U/19 BoysM.E.S3III
U/19 GirlsM.E.S3II
Table Tennis
U/14 BoysM.E.S3I
U/14 GirlsM.E.S3II
U/17 BoysM.E.S3I
U/17 GirlsM.E.S3Participation
U/19 BoysM.E.S3Participation
U/19 BoysM.E.S3Participation
Throw Ball
U/14 GirlsM.E.S10I
U/17 GirlsM.E.S10V
U/19 GirlsM.E.S10IV
Rifle Shooting
U/14 BoysM.E.S3III
U/14 GirlsM.E.S3III
U/17 BoysM.E.S3I
U/17 GirlsM.E.S3II
U/19 BoysM.E.S3Participation
U/19 GirlsM.E.S3Participation
U/14 BoysM.E.S12I
U/14 GirlsM.E.S10I
U/17 BoysM.E.S12I
U/17 GirlsM.E.S10IV
U/19 BoysM.E.S12III
U/19 GirlsM.E.S10II
Hand Ball
U/14 BoysM.E.S12III
U/17 BoysM.E.S12III
U/19 BoysM.E.S12II
Basket Ball
U/14 BoysM.E.S10III
U/14 GirlsM.E.S10IV
U/17 BoysM.E.S10II
U/17 GirlsM.E.S10I
U/19 BoysM.E.S10II
U/19 GirlsM.E.S10III
Tug of War
U/14 BoysM.E.S9Participation
U/14 GirlsM.E.S9IV
U/17 BoysM.E.S9III
U/17 GirlsM.E.S9III
U/19 BoysM.E.S9II
U/19 GirlsM.E.S9III
EventTournamentNo. of ParticipantsPosition
Basket Ball
U/14 BoysDistrict School Champ.12Participation
U/14 GirlsDistrict School Champ.12Participation
U/17 BoysDistrict School Champ.12II
U/17 GirlsDistrict School Champ.12Participation
U/19 BoysDistrict School Champ.12II
U/19 GirlsDistrict School Champ.12Participation
Hand Ball
U/14 BoysDistrict School Champ.16II
U/14 GirlsDistrict School Champ.16Participation
U/17 BoysDistrict School Champ.16II
U/17 GirlsDistrict School Champ.16Participation
U/19 BoysDistrict School Champ.16Participation
U/19 GirlsDistrict School Champ.16Participation
Foot Ball
U/14 BoysDistrict School Champ.16Participation
U/17 BoysDistrict School Champ.16Participation
U/19 BoysDistrict School Champ.16Participation
U/14 BoysDistrict School Champ.10Participation
U/14 GirlsDistrict School Champ.10Participation
U/17 BoysDistrict School Champ.10Participation
U/19 BoysDistrict School Champ.10Participation
U/14 BoysDistrict School Champ.31 Gold Medal
U/14 GirlsDistrict School Champ.41 Gold Medal
U/17 BoysDistrict School Champ.31 Silver Medal
U/17 GirlsDistrict School Champ.11 Silver Medal
U/19 BoysDistrict School Champ.51 Gold Medal
U/19 GirlsDistrict School Champ.11 Gold Medal
U/14 BoysDistrict School Champ.5Participation
U/14 GirlsDistrict School Champ.61 Silver Medal
U/17 BoysDistrict School Champ.41 Silver Medal
U/19 GirlsDistrict School Champ.41 Gold Medal
U/14 GirlsDistrict School Champ.31 Gold Medal
U/14 BoysDistrict School Champ.3Participation
U/17 GirlsDistrict School Champ.21 Silver Medal
U/14 BoysDistrict School Champ.3Participation
U/14 GirlsDistrict School Champ.51 Bronze Medal
U/17 BoysDistrict School Champ.51 Gold and 1 Bronze Medal
U/17 GirlsDistrict School Champ.51 Gold Medal
Foot Ball
U/14 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12II
U/14 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.12VI
U/17 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12III
U/17 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.12IV
U/19 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12IV
U/19 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.12II
U/14 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4IV
U/14 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4Participation
U/17 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4II
U/17 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4IV
U/19 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4III
U/19 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4II
Table Tennis
U/14 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4III
U/14 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4III
U/17 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4Participation
U/17 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4II
U/19 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4I
U/19 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4II
Throw Ball
U/14 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10III
U/17 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10III
U/19 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10IV
Rifle Shooting
U/14 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4I
U/14 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4IV
U/17 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4Participation
U/17 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4IV
U/19 BoysMES Inter School Champ.4I
U/19 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.4III
U/14 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12II
U/14 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10II
U/17 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12II
U/17 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10I
U/19 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12I
U/19 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10I
Hand Ball
U/14 BoysMES Inter School Champ.10I
U/17 BoysMES Inter School Champ.10I
U/19 BoysMES Inter School Champ.10I
Basket Ball
U/14 BoysMES Inter School Champ.10IV
U/14 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10III
U/17 BoysMES Inter School Champ.10I
U/17 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10III
U/19 BoysMES Inter School Champ.10I
U/19 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.10II
Tug of War
U/14 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12I
U/14 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.12I
U/17 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12II
U/17 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.12II
U/19 BoysMES Inter School Champ.12I
U/19 GirlsMES Inter School Champ.12II
DateGameAge GroupCategoryLevelResult
7th and 8th August, 2013Table TennisUnder 17BoysDistrictParticipation
2nd September, 2013Basket BallUnder 14BoysDistrictParticipation
2nd September, 2013Basket BallUnder 14GirlsDistrictParticipation
2nd September, 2013Basket BallUnder 17BoysDistrictParticipation
2nd September, 2013Basket BallUnder 17GirlsDistrictParticipation
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 14BoysDistrictParticipation
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 14GirlsDistrictParticipation
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 17BoysDistrictParticipation
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 17GirlsDivisionParticipation
3rd and 4th October, 2013GymnasticUnder 14GirlsDistrictWinner
25th October, 2013GymnasticUnder 14GirlsDivisionWinner
6th to 8th November, 2013GymnasticUnder 14GirlsStateParticipation
6th September, 2013Kick BoxingUnder 14BoysDistrictParticipation
25th September, 2013JudoUnder 14BoysDistrictParticipation
DateGameAge GroupCategoryLevelResult
18th August, 2013BoxingUnder 17BoysDistrictWinner
BoxingUnder 17BoysDivisionParticipation
24th August, 2013TaekwondoUnder 14GirlsDistrict2nd Place
24th August, 2013TaekwondoUnder 14BoysDistrict2nd Place
24th August, 2013TaekwondoUnder 19GirlsDistrict2nd Place
24th August, 2013TaekwondoUnder 19GirlsDistrictParticipation
21st to 23rd August, 2013Foot BallUnder 19BoysDistrictParticipation
2nd September, 2013Basket BallUnder 14BoysDistrictParticipation
2nd September, 2013Basket BallUnder 14GirlsDistrictParticipation
2nd September, 2013Basket BallUnder 17BoysDistrictParticipation
2nd September, 2013Basket BallUnder 19BoysDistrictSemi Final
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 14BoysDistrictParticipation
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 14GirlsDistrictParticipation
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 17BoysDistrictParticipation
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 17GirlsDistrictParticipation
4th and 5th September, 2013Hand BallUnder 19BoysDistrictSemi Final
2nd November, 2013KarateUnder 17BoysDistrictWinner
15th and 16th December, 2013KarateUnder 17GirlsDivisionRunner up
15th and 16th December, 2013KarateUnder 17BoysDivisionWinner
23rd and 24th December, 2013KarateUnder 17BoysStateParticipation
2nd November, 2013KarateUnder 19BoysDistrictWinner
7th December, 2013WushuUnder 17BoysDistrictWinner
8th December, 2013WushuUnder 17BoysDivisionWinner
16th and 17th December, 2013WushuUnder 17BoysStateWinner
2nd to 8th January, 2014WushuUnder 17BoysNationalParticipation
7th December, 2013WushuUnder 19BoysDistrictWinner
8th December, 2013WushuUnder 19BoysDivisionParticipation
7th December, 2013WushuUnder 19GirlsDistrictWinner
8th December, 2013WushuUnder 19GirlsDivisionWinner
16th and 17th December, 2013WushuUnder 19GirlsState3rd Place
22nd November, 2013JudoUnder 17BoysDistrictWinner
28th November, 2013JudoUnder 17BoysDivisionParticipation
22nd November, 2013JudoUnder 19BoysDistrictWinner
28th November, 2013JudoUnder 19BoysDivisionParticipation
22nd November, 2013JudoUnder 19GirlsDistrictWinner
28th November, 2013JudoUnder 19GirlsDivisionParticipation
6th September, 2013KickboxingUnder 17BoysDistrictWinner
4th December, 2013KickboxingUnder 17BoysDivisionWinner
17th and 18th December, 2013KickboxingUnder 17BoysStateParticipation
6th September, 2013KickboxingUnder 19BoysDistrictWinner
4th December, 2013KickboxingUnder 19BoysDivisionParticipation
4th December, 2013KickboxingUnder 19BoysDivisionParticipation
EventName of MeetNo. of ParticipationPosition
Kick BoxingDistrict Schools Kick Boxing Champ.051st Position
01 Gold
02 Silver
02 Bronze
Judo Boys and GirlsDistrict School Champ.061st Position
03 Gold
03 Silver
GymnasticDivisional School0101 Gold
Hand ballDistrict School Champ.121st Position
BasketballDistrict School Champ.121st Position
Hand ballDivisional School Champ.122nd Position
JudoDivisional School Champ.03Semifinal
Kick boxingState School Meet012nd Position
ChessDistrict School0101 Gold
ChessDivisional School0101 Gold
ChessState School Champ016th Position
EventTournamentNo. of ParticipationPosition
FootballDSO at Rajiv Gandhi Stadium18 +18 (Boys < 14, 17)Participation
HandballDSO District Level21 (Boys < 14, 17)Participation
HandballDSO at CKT09 (Girls < 17)Participation
BaseballDSO District Level32 (Boys & Girls < 14)Winner
BaseballDSO District Level16 (Girls < 16)Winner
Soft ballDSO District Level32 (Boys & Girls < 14)Winner
Soft ballDSO District Level16 (Girls < 17)Winner
Rifle ShootingDSO District Level Karnala01 (Boys < 17)Winner
AthleticsDSO District Level18 (Boys < 14, 17)Participation
ChessDSO District Level03 (Boys < 14)Participation
JudoDSO District Level10 (Boys & Girls < 14)Participation
EventTournamentNo. of ParticipationPosition
FootballDSO at Rajiv Gandhi Stadium16 (Boys < 14)Participation
FootballDSO District Level32 (Boys < 17, < 19)Participation
HandballDSO at CKT24 (Girls < 14, 17)Participation
Hand ballDSO District Level32 (Boys < 17, < 19)Runners-up
BasketballDSO at DAV Panvel20 (Girls < 14, < 17)Participation
BasketballDSO at DAV Panvel30 (Boys < 14, 17, 19)Runners-up
SwimmingDSO Nagothane20 (< 14, 17, Boys & Girls)Winner
VolleyballDSO at Rasayani12 (Boys < 19)Winner
AthleticsDSO at Karnala20 (Boys / Girls < 14 / 17 / 19)Participation
Rifle ShootingState Champ.01 (Boys < 19)First