Alumni Events

Ex-Students Football TournamentVivek Sahadevan Nair

Football Tournament (2002 to 2018 Batch)

M.S.A.S. & Jr. College, New Panvel (W) organised a Football Tournament for its alumni on Sunday, 22nd July, 2018. All the ex-students were invited by the principal Mrs. Ramadevi Putta and received a huge response. This was the first big alumni event of MSAS & Jr. College in which more than 80 alumni participated. Alumni were from 2002 batch to 2018 batch. They enthusiastically formed 8 teams and competed with each other to win the tournament trophy.

This event was organised with the aim of culminating our alumni for the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Mahatma Education Society in the year 2020. The society will complete 50 glorious years of service to Education, humanity and Nation.

Vivek Sahadevan Nair 1
Vivek Sahadevan Nair 2

Vivek Sahadevan Nair, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Damascus Fortune and an alumni of Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai Group of Institutions (Mahatma School of Academics and Sports, Khanda Colony) visited the Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai Campus in September 2014.

He interacted with Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai and Dr. Daphne Pillai and shared his experiences of becoming an entrepreneur. He also spent time with Dr. Priam Pillai and Mr. Franav Pillai discussing his patents and publications.

About Mr. Vivek Sahadevan Nair

Mr. Vivek Nair co-founded 6 companies established in UK, US, Singapore and India. He also own few patents and publications to his name. He is in the final year of receiving a Ph.D. from Material Science Engineering, NTU, Singapore and Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK.

Some of his achievements are :

  1. He was listed in “Forbes 30 under 30” in 2012 with people like Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of Facebook) and many other well known people.
  2. He won a National Award from Indian Government for Meritorious invention in 2012.
  3. He was listed in MIT Technology Review’s “35 under 35” list for top Technology Entrepreneurs in Materials Category.
  4. He was featured in “Indians of Tomorrow” by India today magazine along with people like Ranbir Kapoor, Sachin Pilot, Virat Kohli, Dhanush etc.
  5. He also received The “Most Progressive Engineering Achievement” award from Institute of Engineers, Singapore.
  6. He was also featured in almost all the news media around the world like Wall Street Journal, New York Times, PBS, Wired, Indian Express, Times of India, Forbes, etc.
  7. He was also invited as a speaker for various events by CII (Confideration of Indian Industries), Forbes Summit, TEDx events, and conference hosted by many top Institutes around the world.